Black toad
dream grimoire
A pitch black toad with very soft skin hanging loose and of overnatural dimensions, that would fill a large all white room to the grim of the ceiling and more yet more, a skin that ended away from any border, attaching swifltly to your bones and there rolling as a snake digging for shelter,one eye only, opening and closing slowly in perpetual movement, yellow with a dark vortex whirling pupil, pushing you in as a mirror from where hands with memory of fingers come forth,picture his tongue flowing large, large, large, large as a royal bed in rawness caressing, engulfing in the silent rythm of the fully opened or fully closed single eye, pulling you in into the vast metamorphosis of his inner organs as inner worlds, inner nightmares, inner rivers as there is a gelid fresh stream heard as a continuous murmur, within him a contraction of skin presses your flesh close to your bones, deliriously in a crescendo of automatic urgent breathing, asphixiating rock solidity, unbearable hardness, a sharp more than human black cristal with dagger formations growing on towards and out, softness nowhere but in the gelatinous eye, opening closing and stopping slowly in wave after wave of reverberation, curving the space ahead below and on the sides, curving extending mashing,the rocks and solids turn gelatinous fractures, a dissemination breaks the links where matter is woven, nowhere a place to grab a support, your deep red tong rolls away from it´s daily cave and eats, catches, eats, tastes all the universes drawn into the black reptile in a music of lament and tragedy, a music you must remember and you must keep hearing a vibrational perpetual tear an orgasm of rythm crescents and moons you must know no sound is visible no shape is again heard and you will understand that anyday anyplace you will be found singing mouth and mouth of this music in the death bed of your face and never expanded laughters and crooked aged skin fracture after fracture ripping appart, so this eye you must sweep with your nails and teeth, this blood you must swallow whole, on this flesh you must mouth and mouth of vomit breathe in and consume raw and dirty , this bones you will break mouth and mouth on intercourse sweat dripping tears dancing from nose to feet on moving floors and you will know then, no doubt you will remember the orgasmic moment, the suffocating anguish, the cry in wait for the water forgotten, the vibrational constrictive expelling force that broke the passages of the mother, your mother, blood all over you, blood all over you reborn and dead ages long craving still.
Hugo Calhim Cristovão
Nuisis Zobop
Associação Cultural de Criação, Investigação e Formação no Domínio das Artes Performativas
Produção eXECUTIVA
Centro de Criação e Investigação Nuisis Zobop
Rua João Martins Branco 172, 4150-430 Porto
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