Two Questions
To understand Gnosis one must capture the notion of the Search, this meaning the capture of experiences and of knowledges that are completely alien to one´s vulgar personality and tools, such things belonging to a private but also universal module. For this, strict notions of truth and false are to be abandoned. They lead to a wrong understanding of the process, which is one of expanded intuition, not of deductive analysis.This intuition is rather erratic, elusive. As it implies leaping into delirium, loosing contact with the original drive is rather easy. One gets too much absorbed by whatever randomly moves in the moment. Promoting entropy and loss over time, or blindness.Intuition here is useless without an ethos behind, a precise longing. Then, such an intuition, if turned to solving and succeding in the practicalities of life often results as a manipulative tool devoided of Love. It will slowly locks itself in a acute and underground need of escapism. The method for Intuition is here, as a logoic tool of Gnosis, analogue to the one of a Lover without the physical presence of the Beloved. The question to be posed first is: What do you Love that is completely Alien to what you actually live everyday ? If this question can be felt and solved the first realization is that you Love, and are able to Love, something which is not a part of your daily experience, and the knowledge of this simple fact as a certainty lets you in the road to grasping that even without your daily experience you are not alone in your Love and that, at the same time, it is impossible to Love something you are Alien to, that you have not "experienced" in some way, so things can be alien to your daily experience that are not Alien to you. The second question is then: What are you forgetting? Probably you are forgetting that what your "experience" is not you, which makes magic simply a process of de-alienizing you from your experience, and moments of gnosis the moments when your unknown Lover breathes in into your mouth what you always wished your mouth could truly receive. Take care not to become prey of the outer darkness, the limbus dwelling within the gap of the non you and the wine of knowing effectively what you must, never to be articulated in any terms than the language of perpetually evolving spirals. Dance them into oblivion and recognition.
Nuisis Zobop
Associação Cultural de Criação, Investigação e Formação no Domínio das Artes Performativas
Produção eXECUTIVA
Centro de Criação e Investigação Nuisis Zobop
Rua João Martins Branco 172, 4150-430 Porto
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